Ashley Turch Interview

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Imagine seeing one's siblings going off to the military. Ashley Turchan went to Georgia this past summer see her step brother graduate from basic training. While interviewing Ashley, I learned a lot of things about her family life, school activities and some of her hobbies. While talking to Ashley she first discussed her family life. The first thing I learned about Ashley Turchan is that she is 17 years old and her birthday is on July 16th. She was born in Westmoreland Hospital in 1998 but she presently lives in Jeannette. Ashley also told me she has been living in Jeannette for 7 years. Next I asked her if she lived anywhere else and she said “I lived in Greensburg.” I found out that Ashley has three brothers their names are : Shawn, Chad, and Johnny. Ashley said she wanted a sister because three brothers are way too many. Finally I asked her if she had any pets and she said three. Ashley has a bearded dragon named Pete, a pitbull named Max, and finally a cat named Kitty.…show more content…
Ashley attended West Hempfield and Harrold Middle School. The funniest thing that ever happened to her was when she tripped up the stairs and broke her hand. Her least favorite thing about school are all the new classes, teachers, and homework. Then I asked her what are your favorite things about school and she said, ” Meeting new people and getting out early for tech.” Ashley has plans after graduation to work a full time hair salon. Where does Ashley see herself in ten years from now ? married with children and having her own hair salon. The person who has been the most influential person in her life would be Ashley’s mother because every time she is feeling down her mom is always there for

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