Calpurnia In Julius Caesar Research Paper

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Throughout the Elizabethan Era women were considered lower than man which also plays a big factor with how the women feel in Julius Caesar. The two women Calpurnia and Portia in William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar are women who play different roles but are quite similar. Portia and Calpurnia bring out the more personal side of Caesar and Brutus. Throughout the play the women are portrayed as supportive but non important figures. They also play a huge role in implying the death of Caesar which is very critical. Primarily, Calpurnia plays a role as Caesar’s loving wife and has a dream on the eve of the ides of March of her husband bleeding from stab wounds. She tells Caesar, "do not go forth today: call it my fear," (Act II, Scene II). In this line Calpurnia is telling Caesar not to go to the capitol that day because she feels that something bad is going to happen to him because of her most recent dream. Julius stated to Brutus what his wife dreamed about (Act II, Scene II )he states that she "saw my statue which like a fountain with an hundred spouts did run pure blood; and many lusty Romans come smiling and did bathe their hands in it," and this shows…show more content…
She shows foreshadowing in the play as seen in Act II, Scene IV where Portia tries to see if Caesar is at the capitol. She sends Lucius, to the capitol to make sure that nothing has gone wrong by telling him, "I heard a bustling rumor, like a fray, And the wind brings from the capitol.” Obviously what she heard as harsh from the capital will eventually lead to the riot once the Romans find out about Caesar’s death. Throughout all of this it shows how women are more self sacrificing and do have greater intuition with greater powers of endurance and courage. It also shows how dependent men are on women with and inadvertent mindset about

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