Booker T Washington Essay Thesis

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Booker taliferro better known as Booker t Washington was born a simple African American slave but through his trials and difficulties he became a very accomplished,successful,and important man. Its amazing how a man or rather a young boy started as a corn carrier and water boy who couldn't even read in the beginning got as far as he got in his life time. Through his determination and eagerness Booker learned to read and write with that he started down the road that he'd never thought of going down. A road that was beyond his wildest dream and his deepest thoughts. Ironically,he only wanted to learn enough to read a book rather he taught them and wrote them for somewhat a living. His powerful,strong words action and attitude made a huge impact not only on the civil war,the president of the united states, the queen of Europe, but also on the heart of many Americans back then,even now,and probably in the future. Booker didn't know his birthrate nor the exact his birthplace but we believe that it was November 5 1868 near hart fort in Franklin county Virginia. He grew up on a slave plantation in a typical log cabin which was basically a poorly put…show more content…
Booker t put his whole heart and life into tuskigee and trying to earn the white mans respect.he traveled raising funds and getting politicial help for his college.He had allies like each wife he had,george washington carver serving as a teacher and someties du bois when he wasnt a rival. and many problems but being the clever and kind hearted man.he didnt rise to violence but rather he wrote speechs,books,and the very powerful tear-jerking atlanta compromise using these few things and determination. he managed to pull through and make one of the most successful black colleges that ever existed. He was the first black man to be invited to the white house on oct. 16, 1901.and on his 1891to europe the queen had tea with

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