Chronic Illness Framework Essay

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Rolland’s Chronic Illness Framework Rolland’s Chronic Illness Framework is outlines traits of chronic illnesses which can be used to outline how different families adapt to chronic illnesses. It is categorized into five sections which the case study will be analyzed with. This framework addresses how chronic illness affects family functioning, strengths, and vulnerabilities (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, and Hanson, 2015). Onset of the Illness The onset of the illness is categorized as either acute or gradual. This case study has two family members with chronic illnesses which. The father Mark has Addison’s disease and their seven year old son has autism. Both of these chronic illnesses have gradual onsets. Mark was diagnosed six years ago and Jack was diagnosed five years ago (Kaakinen, 2015). Level of Disability Resulting from the Condition The level of disability is categorized as either capacitating or incapacitating. Currently, Marks Addison’s disease is capacitating as he is managing it well with medications and is able to work as a successful cars salesman at a car dealership in the city. Jack’s autism would be categorized as incapacitating as it is on the higher level of severity and needs special assistance while at…show more content…
While each family handles chronic illnesses differently, these are the three areas which are always affected. An example from the case study would be that Jack’s autism diagnosis changes family function as there are areas that he needs more help with than most seven year olds. Also, Hannah’s relationship with Jack must be taken into account as it is easy to expect an almost parental role where she is still his sister. The family has a strength as they are able to access help for Jack such as at school but they are vulnerable as it is possible that there will be times that they need extra help but are unable to access it (Kaakinen,

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