Bone Gap Book Report

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The book Bone Gap by Laura Ruby is a book about a kid name Finn and his brother living in a same town of Bone Gap. Their parents died when Finn was little. This forced Finn’s bigger brother Sean to take care of both of them on a barn. One random day Finn goes into their barn and finds a girl in the back corner. The girl look like she walked through a storm and sat in the middle of it. Before Sean’s parents died Sean was going to school to be a doctor. The girl was on the floor with a blood splatted shirt. After like 8 months the girl was walking with Finn in the cornfields when she was token by a man that Finn could not recognize in all the pictures that police gave him. Then all of the people in the small town of Bone Gap blamed him for Roza’s…show more content…
His brother Sean was on track to be a doctor. But then their parents died! Now these two brothers are living on the barn. When a girl randomly shows up in their barn Finn was the first to find her, doesn’t tell her to leave or yell at her. He asked nicely “Are you okay” (Finn76). They girl doesn’t say anything and Finn thinks fast. He runs inside and gets his Ruby 2 Brother. The whole time while helping the new girl “Roza” Finn doesn’t lose his patience while Roza doesn’t answer any of Sean’s questions. She refuses to go to a hospital and the brothers decide to let her stay in the house. When I mean the situation that Finn is in I mean that every girl in the story that he ever loved left him. The book had a lot of different themes because of the fact that there wasn’t just one main character. All these themes were really hard to find in my opinion. I think one of the themes are trying to figure who you are as a person and really where you belong in life. Towards the end of the book Finn had a lot thrown at him when his girlfriend showed him a lot of pictures to figure out if Finn was face blind or not. Then Finn went home and sat down and stared at the pictures and tried to figure out what was happening around

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