Blood Typing Lab Report

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Pupose/Backgound Blood is a very important part of the human body. It is a form of connective tissue that accounts for almost 8% of an adult’s weight. It consists of a mixture of fluid and cells. The fluid part of the blood is called plasma which is about 55% of the blood. The plasma is not all liquid, it is filled with electrolytes, nutrients, and proteins. When these solids are filtered out of the plasma the remaining liquid is called serum. The other part of the blood is composed of blood cells that account for the remaining 45% of the blood. The different types of blood cells are erythrocytes, thrombocytes and leukocytes. This experiment revolves around and antibody binding to an antigen or more specifically and antigen binding to a red blood cell. When this happens, the cells start to clump together by a reaction called agglutination. This reaction can be visible to the naked eye if the antibody and antigen are in equivalence. Agglutination is the binding of antigen to antibody. When this reaction involves red blood cells it is called hemagglutination. By using agglutination, we are able to do blood typing in a clinical setting. This test is extremely important because it allows us to see who can safely donate blood to others. Without blood typing, individuals could receive blood that does not…show more content…
The two rows going down the plate were labeled Anti A and Anti B. Once the plate was labeled, students added 3 drops of each control blood type and patient sample into their correct labeled wells. With a new pipet, 20 ul of Anti-A serum was added to each well in the first row. For the second row, 20ul of Anti-B serum was added to each well. The plate was then left untouched for 5-10 minutes or until the reaction was visible. Each group made observations of the plate for the presence or absence of agglutination and then recorded their

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