Black Panther Film Analysis

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Under normal circumstances, you would believe that Black Panther is the next step in the Marvel cinematic universe to get us to the Avengers: Infinity Wars in less than 3 months. Well, you would be wrong because Black Panther is the most important superhero movie ever made and it’s exactly the movie we need right now in these times…at least that’s what I’ve been told. I’ve been really biting my tongue at the hype about this film because I haven’t seen it yet and I couldn’t pass legitimate judgment without watching it…with that said, the virtue signaling from progressive film critics is something I’ve haven’t seen in some time. What I mean by virtue signaling is many people out there have given Black Panther a favorable review on good the movie…show more content…
Using the vibranium, they isolate themselves from the rest of the world and use the alien metal to create the most technologically advanced society in the world. Meanwhile, a new threat to the throne of Wakanda is rising in Killmonger, who plans to succeed in his father’s plan of using vibranium weapons to give to black people all over the world so they can conquer their…show more content…
Disney has a bad habit of being too formulaic with their Marvel and fortunately, that is not the case here. With so many veteran actors in the cast including Forest Whitaker, Andy Serkis, and Angela Bassett it was impossible for them to drop the ball but the standout in this film is Shuri played Letitia Wright. Shuri is Black Panther’s sister who is the tech genius of the movie. Her personality and style bring a sense of joy to the film that makes it enjoyable and makes her character a very important medium to the story. Cinematographer Rachel Morrison deserves high marks in this movie because the scenery is simply amazing. The CGI looks rough at times but the way they bring Wakanda to life is stellar and on par with Guardians of The Galaxy and Doctor Strange as one of the best looking MCU films to

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