Benedict's Test Lab Report

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The involvement of the Benedict’s test has one purpose. The purpose being testing for sucrose within the solution made, this being either monosaccharaides or many disaccharides including lactose and maltose. The enzyme that was mixed with the copper sulfate had reacted together to find if the sucrose was within the solution or not. The reducing sugars are headed up in the presence of an alkali, which will react with the copper which will then get precipitated out into an insoluble red copper, which is in fact copper I oxide. Looking at the graph we can see that four out of nine samples have came out to have no sucrose within them. When looking at the experiment we can attest that it is using to effects of heat and pH to see how it will react with the enzyme in hand; therefore, this experiment has a purpose of showing the effects of temperature on an enzyme and how the pH can change the nature of the protein.…show more content…
For the test, there is a number scale measuring the amount of sucrose. If the solution within a test tube is put into a hot water bath and has the benedicts mixture within it the color will or will not change. The scale that we base these colors off of are number 0-3. If the color becomes a dark red (scale of 3) it means that there is a lot of sucrose in it, which means that there is a greater concentration of sugar present. The other side of the scale is if the mixture stays blue (scale of 0) then that means that there is no sucrose present. The colors in between are respectively brownish green (scale of 1) and orange (scale of

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