Battle Analysis: The Battle Of Osan

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The Battle of Osan On the rainy night of 4-5 July 1950, Task Force Smith originating from the 24th Infantry Division, consisting of 400 men was the first to make contact between North Korean People's Army of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and United States (U.S.) Forces during the Korean War. With no concept of operation, obsolete equipment and no actionable intelligence. This tragic battle left America with the motto, “No More Task Force Smith’s”. At the Battle of Osan, the U.S. was hit hard and were overtaken by North Korean Forces resulting in a retreat causing mass casualties. In addition to four-step basic battle analysis discussing The Battle of Osan, an alternate outcome will be included based on alternating The intelligence assets the use of a field order, a concept of support, an enemy situation and the proper implementation of human intelligence (HUMINT). Initial Intelligence…show more content…
The imminent threat from Communism kept the focus on Europe, and it was traditionally the focus of the United States. When concerns over the Far East Command (FEC) Korea wasn’t considered with the recently defeated Communist Japan being General Douglas MacArthur’s primary focus. March of 1949, The Honorable President Harry S. Truman approved the National Security Council Memorandum 8/2. This document contained a warning that the Soviets envisioned dominating both North and South Korea, endangering U.S. interests in the FEC and the newly democratic South Korea. Truman is quoted stating, “The United States will not fail to provide the aid which is so essential to Korea at this critical

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