Spongebub Squarepants: Pro-Social Behavior Analysis

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The first television show that I chose to watch was the show “SpongeBob Squarepants,” It was on the Nickelodeon channel. I chose to watch the first show during the playing of “SpongeBob Squarepants” which was “Missing Identity.” The show it’s self was thirty minutes long and had 2 different segments to it. The segment of the show that I watched was exactly eleven minutes long with five minutes worth of commercials after the segment. I chose to watch this show at eight o’clock in the morning, because it is was I used to do when I was much younger. I noticed that during the show segment “Missing Identity” there were only men being played as the main characters. There were not any main characters that were exemplified as women, however there were smaller parts played by fish that dressed and resembled a woman. There were two women fish that took an insignificant role in the show. The problem that I saw with this was that males were being shown as a dominant figure. Mr. Krabs, the owner of the Krusty Krab is shown as a short tempered, mean and controlling person; SpongeBob is a naïve boy; Patrick is shown as a slower than…show more content…
In some ways SpongeBob can teach children pro-social behavior such as helping others when they are in need, talking nicely to others, and responsibility. For instance, SpongeBob has a pet snail, and he is the one that makes sure that he is fed and “loves him.” However, SpongeBob can also enforce negative actions for children too, such as throwing temper tantrums, calling people names and buying others. In “Missing Identity” Patrick called SpongeBob “Spongeboob” in a joking manner, this is opening up the doorway for children to call other children names. Even if Patrick was being funny about it, children now think that it is “funny” to call other people names. Children can take in the temper tanturms that SpongeBob has and use them in their own

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