Ballade Of Worldly Wealth

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Andrew Lang talks about money throughout the poem the “Ballade of worldly Wealth”. He raises concerns about corruption of wealth and power. The tone expresses critical judgment of greed and abuse of wealth. Money is expressed as critical power and wealth. This poem is a Ballade. Lang is the Speaker of the Poem. The poem takes place from 1800 and 1900. Since this poem is a Ballade it is composed of three stanzas and an envoi. The speaker addresses the concern of money in abuse for wealth and power. In this poem, the line “Youth, health, and paradise” represents the Ballade. This poem contains 3 stanzas. In line 6, the phrase likes the good and Truth like lies is assonance. Since the vowels have similar sounds. This line repeats the phrase like and lies which sounds like an assonance. In Line 7 the phrase “These alone can ne’er bestow” represents assonance. Both words alone and bestow contain the long o, which repeat the assonance sound. The stanza is a group of lines forming the basic reoccurring lines. It is usually the form of a verse.…show more content…
This poem is an example of an end rhyme pattern. The last word of each line rhymes in this pattern. In line 4 and 5 the phrase “While the tides shall ebb and flow; Money maketh evil show”, the two lines share a rhyme pattern. Both words show and flow share the long o sound rhyme. This illustrates the pattern of rhyme in the poem. He uses parallel technique to describe how many impacts people. For example the phrases” Money maketh Evil show” and “Money moves the merchants all” These words seem to have the same ending sounds which represents and

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