Baba Rampal Speech

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Since days of yore India a country of more than 1 billion people is known for its diverse religions and cultures. Down the ages the people of this vast nation belonging to different faith and belief has often given rise to the idea of godmen who hold a powerful status having a following of hundreds and thousands of devotees. In a land where sanctimony is accepted , these so called godmen exercise an unwieldy power over the masses despite several of them being convicted for serious offences such as rape,murder and assault. Baba Rampal who claims to be an incarnation of the 15th century mystic poet Kabir is one such ‘guru’ who was recently embroiled in a bitter battle with the state govt of Haryana. His followers consisting of poor people from distant places of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and even Nepal were so…show more content…
One of my friends introduced me to Baba Ramdev. I started attending his yoga camps. Gradually my acute condition stabilized and soon to the amazement of doctors the disease just vanished! I thus resolved to become a yoga teacher under Ramdev and have conducted many camps in India as well as abroad.” She considers meeting her Guru as the turning point in her life. Baba Ramdev who is considered currently as the most politically savvy among all the godmen , has built up a more than Rs 1,000 crore empire consisting of yoga centres,hospitals and spas all across the world in just 15 years and a plan for a yoga university in the future. Moreover,his ayurvedic medicines clocks a turnover of more than 300 crores annually. The irony is that although the media and the rationalists have been highly critical about the working of the godmen, people are greatly influenced by them as they have benefited by some way or the other, although some may have been embroiled in questionable

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