Australia's Involvement In The Vietnam War

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The Vietnam War lasted twenty years, starting in 1955 and ceasing in 1975, during which time over three million people were killed and countless more were injured. Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War began in 1962 and continued for numerous years after the war. The post-war migration from Vietnam brought about great cultural and societal change in Australia. The “Non-Discrimination Policy” was introduced and many Vietnam-born Australians began contributing to society in extraordinary ways. The first refugees fled from South Vietnam in 1975, they travelled by boat to seek refuge from countries similar to Australia. Many Vietnamese saw Australia as a safe country, and moved with their families, to continue their lives away from their war-ridden country, and hence travelled to Australia after the war was complete. Over ten years from 1976, 94,000 refugees from Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam settled in Australia. About 2,000 arrived by boat. (, 2015)…show more content…
This statistic is corroborated by “The changing face of modern Australia – 1950’s to 1970’s” (, 2015), which also details similar information, that stated over fifty boats carrying 2000 refugees, had arrived in Australia by the late 1970’s. Those who came to Australia from Vietnam, and other countries involved in the Vietnam War, sought refuge from a country which had implemented, and adhered to, a white immigrant only

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