Athenian Democracy's Influence In Socrates '

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The Art of Thought Provoking Socrates, an Athenian philosopher and provocative speaker, for not just Athenian youth, but for many developed cognitive adults was prosecuted for impiety, and due to his divergent thoughts, was executed because of his influence on the youth and future of the Athenian Polis. Two of his most noted adherents happened to be one of the most predominant of the Thirty Tyrants, Critias; and Alcibiades, one of the most arrogant, irresponsible, autocratic statesmen of Athens. These two were the prime examples for the jury to display how the teachings of Socrates could induce youth to mimic his inquiry and defiance. Although Socrates’ disagreements with Athenian democracy was the most impactful offense he committed against…show more content…
Due to their complete mis-understanding or blatant neglect of a variety of valid arguments made by Socrates; the jury which existed under the Athenian democracy Socrates supported and refuted to betray during the rule of the Thirty Tyrants convicted him as guilty of impiety and corruption of the youth. His loyalty was vigorously and overtly known as for one of his companions Dio Chrysostum stated “ Socrates… did everything on behalf of the city during the reign of the thirty tyrants… In fact, when he had been sent by them to get Leon of Salamis, he refused to obey, and he made no secret of his contempt for them,...” The reputation for a man commended for his philosophy and reputation should have received amnesty due to the numerous other accounts were his patriotism exceeded that of elected official, and his faith corresponded with the normality of belief in the gods as a majority of the…show more content…
They do this because they enjoy hearing me interrogate other people.” This is the outset of the faction of wealthy, ill-advised, adolescent, adherents of Socrates who take after his methods of interrogation meant to achieve genuine self-knowledge to the subjects of the inquiry and to thought provoker himself. However after its adoption by the adherents of Socrates it was altered into a means of harassment and amusement for the thought provoker only and to burden many “wise” men who would be subjects to the cunning and deceitful tactics acquired from close observation of Socratic interrogation. This search for wisdom was quickly developed into an annoyance to the supposed wise men and leaders in Athens after being labeled foolish. Immediately elders and current leaders of the community blame Socrates for their concocted agitational form of socratic interrogation; “This Socrates is a shady character, and he is corrupting the

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