Assignment: Briefly Describe The Three Parts To An Interview

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REPORT WRITING REPORT WRITING Curtis Walters J11L March 7 2018 Assignment 8_08 Ashworth College Write a descriptive essay including the following: ⦁ Briefly describe the three parts to an interview. ⦁ Discuss the differences between an interview and an interrogation. ⦁ Explain the proper Miranda admonishment method investigators should use for a witness or possible suspect. Include a discussion of the problems investigators encounter with an improper admonishment and ignoring a suspect’s invoking his or her rights.…show more content…
However, when interviewing a person who is motivated to lie to the investigator, the interview should not be haphazard or spontaneous. It should be carefully planned out and structured to achieve the desired goals. Interrogation “should only occur when the investigator is reasonably certain of the suspect's involvement in the issue under investigation. Explain the proper Miranda admonishment method investigators should use for a witness or possible suspect. Include a discussion of the problems investigators encounter with an improper admonishment and ignoring a suspect’s invoking his or her rights. Answer: The Miranda warning includes the following: 1. The right to remain silent; (anything the suspect says can be used against him/her; 2. The right to an attorney and to have the attorney present during questioning; 3. The right to appointed counsel if cannot afford an attorney; and 4. With that understanding of your rights, are you willing to speak with me (the police officer) without an attorney being

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