Assignment 1: Scholar Academic Ideology

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Final Activity Ideology # 1 The plan of study described in Ideology # 1 depicts the Scholar Academic Ideology. The following are the 5 examples that support my reason for selecting this ideology to support this approach: 1. In Scholar Academic Ideology, new knowledge and new ways of knowing emerge from guided processes of inquiry. Along this plan of study there are multiple instances of research. For example, the students will investigate Christopher Columbus's life accomplishments by doing historical research of original documents. 2. In this ideology, teachers are seen as expert mediators between the curriculum and the student (Shiro, 2013). For example, in this plan of study, the teacher provides and approves references for her students to use when they develop their research. 3. In this plan, it is expected from the student to give an accurate oral report about Columbus's first trip to the new world after reading an original document, and get the facts described in this text. This is an example that In Scholar Academic Ideology, the child is capable of absorb new knowledge; metaphorically, children are described as sponges ready to assimilate new ideas,concepts and knowledge. 4. In Scholar Academic Ideology, Evaluation attempts to objectively measure in what amount knowledge was transmitted to the…show more content…
Under the description of Project # 1, it is stated that when understanding the past, it is necessary to relate it to the the present, and how to use that knowledge to build a better future. Social Reconstruction Ideology claims that education must provide elements to reconstruct the society based on critical analysis of how certain events have shaped the current conditions. Thus, the Columbus's arrival to the Americas is not just seen as an adventure journey; rather, in this plan is understood as one of the event that has shaped our society as we know it nowadays, and that brings the possibilty to discuss about oral values, genocide, stereotypes, and

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