Artistic Gymnastics Paper

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Introduction Artistic gymnastics is a high-impact loading sport that involves acceleration, deceleration, pushing, pulling and acrobatics that are aesthetically pleasing. Usually, those who compete at an elite level in gymnastics initiated the sport at a young age (Siatras & Mameletzi, 2014). Gymnasts appear to be of high risk for the criteria associated with RED-S due to energy inadequacies and decreased bone mineral density, fueled by dieting and over-training strategies in order to achieve a thinner physique that would result in a reduced lean body mass and increased fat mass, which is contraindicated for performance (Siatras & Mameletzi, 2014). Recommendations from coaches and judges to improve performance and reduce weight, in an attempt…show more content…
All participants were actively training during the study. Their mean age was 15.1 ± 1.3 years (range 12-18 years), mean height was 151.4 ± 7.1cm, and mean weight was 48.8 ± 8.3kg. Daily energy requirement was estimated using the Harris-Benedict equation with an activity factor of 1.6 (moderate activity). Their dietary intake was assessed by three-day food records that included two weekdays and one weekend day. Instructions on how to record foods and beverages consumed were given to each gymnast with pictures and common household measurements to determine portion size. They were also asked to record any medications or supplements they were taking. Nourish-Check, with access to the USDA Nutrient Database, was used as a standard for nutrient intake. For analysis, the gymnasts were divided into two groups based on age for RDA comparison (11-14 years and 15-18 years). It was determined that the gymnasts were consuming 34.4g/kg body weight, approximately 20% fewer calories than the recommended 40-47kcal/kg body weight for females age 11-18, which was significant (p=0.047). Forty-eight percent of the participants reported that they were on self-prescribed diets, whose energy deficits were greater (-635 kcal) than those who were non dieters (-218 kcal). In addition, for those who were on self-prescribed diets, their energy intake from fat was less than non-dieters, (25g/day vs 39g/day, p<0.05). The authors discussed that in this study, BMD may have been compromised by low energy availability due to a possible elevation in urinary and salivary cortisol concentration, which has been demonstrated in other studies, which is highly catabolic to bone and is present with energy deficiency (McLean et al, 2001). This

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