NHS Constitution Essay

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This essay will discuss NHS Constitution and one aspect of values in healthcare. The NHS Constitution was first published in 2009 by the Department of Health that sets out rights and responsibilities for patients and staff (Ballie and Black 2015). And to be renewed by the government every ten years and with the involvement of the staff, patients and the public and to dwell what matters to them (Department of Health 2015). In accordance to the failing of Mid – Staffordshire NHS Trust and with the Francis (2013) report made 290 recommendations, to ensure that putting the patients first in all services. The NHS belongs to the people that support the needs of the patients and the NHS staff, keeping them safe, mentally and physically to the highest…show more content…
Compassion and care are inter- related to each other and it attributes to being attentiveness, responsible and response to the needs of the patients (Ballie and Black 2015). Hence, values are important to people to have good experience in care (Ballie and Black 2015), and compassion is one of the core values of NHS constitution and also one of the 6Cs that aims in all nursing, midwifery and the caregiving environment throughout the NHS (Ballie and Black 2015), and can be described as how care is given through relationship, based on empathy, respect and dignity (Baillie and Black 2015). It also encompasses the understanding of another’s distress, suffering disability and sadness and or the need and acting to console the individual (Baillie and Black 2015). Roach (2002 p53) stated, “Compassion is needed more than ever to humanize the ever- increasing cold and impersonal technology used within the healthcare”. However, Hudacek (2008) found that nurses needs to be emotional and physically present to focus on patients on alleviating ailment and sorrows through emphatic

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