Art Analysis: The Sleeping Venus

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The sleeping Venus is also known as the Dresden Venus. The painting was done by Giorgione, the Italian Renaissance master (Penguin, 1983). The painting was completed by Titian as he painted the landscape and the sky (Jaffe, 2003). Vasari noted that the painting was completed after the death of Giorgione in 1510. The Sleeping Venus is one of the last paints done by Giorgione. The Sleeping Venus portrays a nude women whose profile is following the profile of the hills in the background of the painting (Jaffe, 2003). A great deal of effort was put by Giorgione in painting the details and the shadows of the background (Penguin, 1983). Choosing a nude woman in the painting was marked as a revolution in art, this was considered by some authorities as one of the first points of modern art (Jaffe, 2003). Titian completed the painting after Giorgione because the painting was not finished at the time of his death. Titian finished later the sky and the landscape of the painting (Penguin, 1983). The Rokeby Venus is also known as Venus at her mirror, the toilet of Venus, La Venus del espejo, and Venus and Cupid (Dawson, 2006). The Rokeby Venus was painted by Diego Velazquez who is the leading artist of…show more content…
In the painting Venus is showing her back to the viewer (Harris, 2006). The description of the painting reveals Venus as she was looking at herself in the mirror, on the other hand the viewer cannot see this, but the viewer will see that Venus is looking at him/her (Harris, 2006). The painting reveals Venus to be in a room where clear contrast between the shadow and the light is observed. The artist uses warm colors including white, grey, pink, red, and black for the creation of fine illumination for the body. Venus skin looks lustrous because of the big contrast given by the darkness of the sheets were Venus is lying (Harris,

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