Arguments Against Wal-Mart Strikes

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Starting from late November 2012, during the holiday season, over 500 Wal-Mart workers from various locations organized a series of strikes. The strikes were a part of an on-going Wal-Mart employees’ campaign for better working conditions and freedom to express their concerns publicly. Wal-Mart workers claim that the biggest US employer retaliates for taking part in strikes or demanding better schedules, medical benefits and wages. The retail giant has several methods in its disposal: moving “problematic” employees to different departments, cutting their wages and shuffling working hours. As Alice Hines and Kathleen Miles reported on November 23, 2012, in the Huffington Post article “Walmart Strike Hits 100 Cities, But Fails To Distract Black Friday…show more content…
At the Paramount store, three workers who were not on the job and not participating in the strike told The Huffington Post that they share the strikers' concerns about low wages, lost benefits and retaliation for speaking up, but they did not strike for fear of losing their jobs. Wal-Mart, for its part, says it never retaliates against workers.” I believe Wal-Mart violates the basic worker’s right to have comfortable and fair working conditions, which affects not only employees but their families as well. Another aspect about Wal-Mart I want to talk about is environmental sustainability. Environmental sustainability has become an essential factor for doing business successfully. As the world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart’s behaviors has a lot of power to make its customers have a better life and help ensure a better world for generations. According to the company’s 2015 Global Responsibility Report it spares no effort to become a financially stable and responsible role model. (2015 Global Responsibility Report,

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