Arguments Against The Allies During WWII

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Over 60 million people were killed from 1939 to 1945 during the events of the Second World War. It has since then been referred to as one of the largest and most terrible wars in all of human history, having had participants from many corners of the world. I strongly believe that only a small fraction of all of the deaths and injustices that occurred during and prior to WWII should be attributed to the Allies, not only because they were justified in fighting in the war, but also because of the countless crimes committed by Germany, Italy, and Japan. I would like to begin my response by defending the Allies from the many accusations made against them during the International Symposium that took place last Monday. First and foremost is the matter of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. Although leaders such…show more content…
Many more than 200,000 people would have died in a prolonged war had these bombings not occurred, and in my opinion that is justification enough. The next accusation made against the Allied forces was complaints about mistakes made by the allies, namely the creation of the appeasement policy, and, of course, the Treaty of Versailles. More than 10 out of the 28 people involved in the Symposium blamed the Allies for these actions, even Canadians such as Adrien Arcand and Walter Riddell. My only defense for these mistakes is that almost all of them were committed for honorable reasons. The appeasement policy, for example, although uneducated and foolish, was created with the honest belief that leaving Germany and Japan to their own devices would prevent the outbreak of war and save many lives. Similarly, the

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