Argumentative Essay On Syrian Refugees

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Refugees are coming to America trying to flee war and oppression. In recent news, Syrians have flee from their country trying to find refuge in other countries. Some countries are not allowing to enter. However, the United States have agreed to take in refugees 100,000 per year for 2 years (Warikoo, 2015). This is such a small number compared to the number of refugees trying to enter into Europe. There is an influx of Syrian refugees that are in Michigan. Syrian refugees are going to cities like Detriot. The state government thinks this will help the economic crisis that plague the city. It is not clear how many are settle in Detriot. With the current immigration issues, there are going to be some people that are dislike the idea of the…show more content…
They were only given three months’ worth of assistance such as food and shelter then they are on their own. Assad, a Syrian refugee, received $760 per month but will very soon end (Warikoo, 2015). The government brings refugees to America but expect to survive after receiving three months of assistance. Some refugees are not educated and cannot speak English. It is hard to find employment where the city is already impoverish ridden. It is like taken them out the oven and placing them in the frying pan. They are taken from their country that was inhabitable to live in due to war and poverty to go to a country they do not know anything about and expect them to survive. This is when social workers and other helping professionals steps in. They need an advocate for them. Assad has concerns that they do not have a voice to advocate for them. They need people that have that cultural competency. He is concern for his children especially with education is that there are not any other Arabic speaking families they can relate to. The government just can take them from their oppressed country to a they are not familiar with and just assistance for three months and just forget about them. They need services that are going to look at the best interest based on their environment and their wellbeing. Reading the article has help me to understand the needs of refugees and what their concerns

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