Are Teens Having Second Thoughts About Oversharing Online By Naomi Riley Summary

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Author of "Are Teens Having Second Thoughts About Oversharing Online", Naomi Riley, believes that teenagers are beginning to doubt the safety of the amount of personal information they display online. A large percentage of our teens are agreeing with adults that their peers as well as themselves are participating in online oversharing (Teens Having Second Thoughts?). This is leading some kids to believe they lead less fulfilling lives, and therefore drives them into the cold arms of depression (Teens Having Second Thoughts?). Other teens soon find themselves addicted to socially unacceptable habits, such as porn, and cyber bullying (Teens Having Second Thoughts). Riley thinks that these situations are occurring because parents are lacking in their…show more content…
Kids and adults alike, frequently search for the approval and attention of others- whether it be by means of popularity in terms of social media or by attempting to provide pleasures of their lives and bodies. Riley asks, "what could they possibly be posting that crosses the line[?]" (Teens Having Second Thoughts). Opinionatedly, it is the pictures of pornographic intent. It seems as though it is the young women, primarily, who fall prey to the unacceptable act of posting half nude pictures of themselves, or pictures where they look (purposefully) especially busty to lure in the attentions of men. Where are the parent's of these girls? Why are they not filtering their children's posts? Why have they not taught the child to value themselves higher than a piece of candy or meat? Most importantly, do the parents have any idea their daughters are engaged in such promiscuous activities? These women are too involved in seeking the attention of another human, that they ignore the consequences of

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