Arbitrator-Personal Narrative Analysis

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It wasn’t until I was about twelve that I first heard about the case. I remember hearing my teacher talk about it in my health class around the time we were learning about the skin and its functions for the body. I don’t recall much, but the little that I thought I remembered was nothing close to what I saw and heard about in the article and documentary. I can recall hearing about how an older women, bought a cup of coffee at McDonald’s, was driving in town and spilled the hot coffee her lap as she made a sudden stop. At the time, I didn’t know much about lawsuits and even the entirety about the whole lawsuit with McDonald’s. Upon watching the documentary, I was confused about the situation. What I heard a long time ago started to conflict with what…show more content…
Both the company and I have to pick an arbitrator(s) and come to a conclusion which one we will have deal with our conflict. In my best interest, I would need to do a lot of research on all the arbitrators available. It would be in best interest to come up with a list of arbitrators that would benefit me, the customer, and a list of arbitrators that would benefit the company. In order for me to do this, I would most likely have to hire a lawyer familiar with arbitration and the arbitrators that would possibly deal with my case. The best I can expect is an arbitrator with more favor in the company then me. I say this because I believe it’s best to expect the worse then the best so one isn’t shocked at the outcome. According to the documentary, many arbitrators would tend to benefit the company instead of the customer or person. I personally believe that I would see at least a small amount of award instead of no award because I have the basic idea of how arbitration works. Most people don’t know what an arbitrator is and would have little idea of how the arbitration process operates. This shows a very unpromising future for the

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