Class 9 CRS Prerequisites

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25% Milestone – Class 9 CRS Perquisites In order to become a Class 9 or better, Hampton must demonstrate that it has enough points to warrant the class and meet the required six prerequisites. 1. Review and document compliance with the following items: a. Participate in the Regular Phase of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for at least one year. b. Demonstrate full compliance with the minimum requirements of the NFIP with a correspondence from the Regional Office of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) stating that the community is in full compliance with the NFIP. c. Develop a protocol for maintaining FEMA Elevation Certificates on all new buildings and substantial improvements constructed in the Special Flood Hazard…show more content…
Agree to show the LiMWA on our final published FIRM. 50% Milestone – Preliminary Point Count 1. Gather and review necessary information to complete the FEMA CRS checklist and identify specific activities that need to be completed to either qualify for the CRS program or enhance the Town’s CRS program rating. 75% Milestone – Review, Planning, and Outreach for Repetitive Loss Areas 1. Utilize the Town’s map of repetitive loss properties and Tides to Storms Vulnerability Assessment maps and data to define the repetitive loss areas and identify vulnerable assets and resources in those areas. 2. Prepare a plan for addressing its repetitive flood problems based on FEMA’s guidelines. 3. In collaboration with the NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup, design and conduct an outreach initiative for the repetitive loss properties and areas, flood insurance requirements, property protections measures and other useful information. Potential outreach activities are listed below a. Prepare a mailing to properties in repetitive loss areas informing them about flood safety, flood warning and preparedness, flood insurance requirements, property protection measures and other useful information. b. Organize and conduct an informational workshop for property owners and residents in repetitive loss

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