Antigone Role Of Women Essay

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In Sophocles’ Antigone, it is proven that rebellious women are a threat to men by using Antigone and her refusal to conform to societal social norms in order to challenge the accepted roles of women in Ancient Athens. In Ancient Greek society, women were expected to live, dress, and act a certain way. There were specific roles that women were to fulfill in order to be considered a proper lady. The “roles of Athenian women in the fifth century B.C. were primarily those of wife and mother” (Status of Women in Ancient Athens). Girls were taught from a very young age how to cook, clean, and act like a respectful and submissive wife. Regardless of their own desires, they were expected to produce children and take care of the house. Women were to remain quietly at home while the men were able to have more public lives, participate in social events and have an active role in society.…show more content…
She was “a virgin still, no nuptial song, no marriage-bed, no children to her name” (page 232). Women in her society were to become mothers and wives, and Antigone didn’t fulfill either of these roles. She died before she could marry Haemon and have children. Women were to be completely submissive and obedient to men regardless of their own feelings or beliefs. Antigone knew that she had a moral responsibility to bury Polyneices even though Creon ordered her not to. She begged her sister Ismene to help her, but she refused and said to “remind ourselves that we are women and as such are not meant to fight with men (page 193). Ismene believed that men were stronger than women and had power for a reason, and therefore women ought to be subservient to them to avoid their anger. Antigone's rebellion was especially threatening because it upset gender roles and hierarchy. By refusing to be passive, she overturned one of the fundamental rules of her

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