Annette Lareau Home Advantage Essay

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“Home advantage” was originally written by Annette Lareau in 1989. It is one of the books inspiring not only educators but also parents. In this book the author describes how it is important to engage parents and community in schooling improvement, students’ achievements. The main point of the book is how parents’ intervention depends on social classes and cultural capital. I am influenced how ‘Home advantage’ focuses attention on the inequities of society in the education system through socioeconomic status (SES). To illustrate her study she used the experience received from the study of two schools: Prescott and Colton. Prescott school mostly represented by students and parents of mainly upper-middle class, while Colton has students from lower-class families. Lareau examines how teachers at both schools ask the same services and support of parents; how parents…show more content…
It is not a secret that we have had so many cases when teachers endangered and prescribed to the classroom by parents with more degrees and high SES. The book ‘Home advantage’ is an replicable studies of other ethnography writers who are focused on this problem too. .Some of these interesting studies are - Patricia M. ‘McDonough Choosing Colleges: How Social Class and Schools Structure Opportunity’, November 13, 1997. - Joseph J. Tobin, David Y.H. Wu, Dana H. Davidson ‘Preschool in Three Cultures: Japan, China and the United States’, 1991. - Annette Lareau ‘Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life, 2nd Edition with an Update a Decade Later’, Second Edition, with an Update a Decade Later Edition, 2011. - David J. Harding ‘Living the Drama: Community, Conflict, and Culture among Inner-City Boys’, 2010. - Shamus Rahman Khan ‘Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul's School (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology)’,

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