Anne Frank Holocaust Museum Analysis

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The Holocaust Museum was an extremely intriguing experience. Upon arrival, I was uncertain of the journey I was about to take. The opening film was not only heartbreaking, but eye opening as well. I was unaware of the harsh struggles Anne Frank endured in her short lifespan. Over the years, I have learned, through history classes, that Anne frank’s life was filled with treacherous encounters, but I had no idea the depths to which she was exposed to heartache, suffering, and misery. Anne Frank was forced into hiding by Nazi Germany because she was Jewish. She lived in a minuscule attic apartment with not only her family, but also another family whom was close to theirs, and a family friend. Anne kept a diary to occupy her time and keep herself sane. She considered her diary to be a “friend” and someone to confide in. Eventually, the attic apartment was discovered and all residing in it were sent to concentration camps. Everyone died due to malnutrition, exhaustion, or gas chambers except Anne’s father Otto Frank.…show more content…
Once inside the exhibit, an older gentleman talked to us about all of the different types of people that were a part of The Holocaust. Very educated on the subject, our guide thoroughly enjoyed his job and revealing truths about the most horrendous war in modern history. After his lecture, each of us were assigned the task of evaluating an individual within the exhibit. The person I was assigned was a homosexual Jewish man that fought for his life in many different concentration camps and became the leader of several groups that advocated for equality. Toward the end of our trip to the museum, I answered many questions about him with great empathy; however, the effect of my trip did not end with the

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