Andrew Jackson Research Paper Outline

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Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United Stares once said, "[d]emocracy shows not only its power in reforming governments, but in regenerating a race of men[.] [T]his is the greatest blessing of free governments." Jackson believed in the ideal of a free and democratic country. Yet, ironically he is best known for his support of the Indian Removal Act, which forced Native Americans out of their homes and allowed the president to claim all unsettled land west of Mississippi in exchange for Indian land within the state borders. His notoriety for his role in removing Native Americans from their homes overshadows his other accomplishments. Some including, the initial founding of the idea of a democratic country and the ability to go from an orphaned child, to the president of the United States. Despite the rough life he lived as a child growing up, the legacy he left behind for generations to come was sadly, controversial from his poor choice of approving the Indian Removal Act and causing the economic depression from his closing of banks throughout the country during his long presidency. II.…show more content…
His oldest brother, Hugh, soon died of exhaustion at the Battle of Stone Ferry. Robert, his second brother died of smallpox while he and Andrew were held as prisoners at a British prison camp ("The Presidency of Andrew Jackson." Soon after, Andrew's mother, who had volunteered to care for soldiers, was found dead from a disease called cholera (Osinski, ).With a heavy heart, Jackson soon returned to his home in Waxhaw, with no one by his side. Within less than 14 years of his life, all his family was dead. Jackson soon found himself an orphan as this immigration to America killed his father, and the American Revolution took the lives of his mother and his two older

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