Personal Narrative: My First Vex Robotics

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On the 28th of March, the first Vex Robotics Scrimmages for the year was hed at the Palmerston North Boys’ High Speirs centre. This was my first ever srimmages that I has ever attended. There were about thrteen other schools competing in the scrimmanger, such as Boys’ High, Fielding High school, and Awatapu college. From our school we had seven students, including me, and our teacher Mr Groube. We all got there at around 8:30 am and set up our gear and started to practice using and controling our robot to pick up ping pong balls. At 9:00 am, we bagan the competition, the first task consisted of a ring full of ping pong balls from which the robots have to pick up and store as many of the ping pong balls as possible. Only one person is allowed to control the robot, and we were not allowed to touch the robot or any of the ping pong balls in the ring. On the first round our team only picked up 4 of the balls, and was placed 12th. However on the second round we managed to pick up more ping pong balls than most of the other teams and were placed 4th. Throughougt the competition, the ranking was projected on the screen so that it was easy for us to keep track of where we were placed.…show more content…
After a long await on the long lines, we ordered our food and made our way back to the Speirs centre for task

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