Anasazi Culture Research Paper

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The Ancient Puebloans were a group of Native Americans who were known as the Anasazi. Apparently, the ancestors of the modern Pueblo peoples, including the Hopi, Zuni and the Puebloans, do not prefer the term "Anasazi." The term "Anasazi" is an English corruption of a Navajo word meaning "Enemy Ancestors" or "Ancient Ones." Modern Puebloan people prefer to use the term Ancestral Puebloans. Archaeologists still debate when the Anasazi culture appeared, but the present consensus proposes that they first emerged around 1200 B.C. The Ancient Puebloans first settled in the highland area where water was plentiful, with their initial locations at Chaco Canyon, Mesa Verde, and Kayenta. Later, they centered around the present day Four Corners area of the Southwest United States (southern Utah, southwestern Colorado, northwestern New Mexico, and northern Arizona) from about A.D. 200 to A.D. 1300. The earliest Ancient Puebloans were nomadic hunters and gatherers, but later they began…show more content…
They made exquisite baskets and sandals, that’s why they came to be known as "Basketmakers." They stored their goods in deep pits and circular cists. They increasingly relied on cultivated gardens of corn and squash. The early Basketmakers clothed themselves in fur or feather robes, string aprons, loincloths and round-toed, plant-fiber sandals. They wore ornaments made of shell, bone or stone. Women gathered wild food plants such as amaranth, pinion nuts, Indian rice grass, sunflower seeds and mustard seeds. Women also prepared meals in pitch-lined baskets, cooking with fire-hot stones dropped directly into the food mixture. Later, Basketmakers began to make pottery, as well as adding beans to their cultivated crops. Turning more and more to agriculture, growing crops assumed a significant role in their economy, making villages even more

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