Analyzing Rihanna's Song 'Man Down'

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“Man Down” by Rihanna “Man Down” symbolizes the guilt and regret Macbeth feels after having completed the murderous deed. Soon after murdering Duncan, Macbeth returns to Lady Macbeth in an unstable manner, as if he was not thinking straight. In the song, Rihanna states that she can no longer sleep at night, a situation similar to that in Macbeth. While conversing with Lady Macbeth, Macbeth believes that he had heard someone say “Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep” (Shakespeare, 2.2.47-48). Because of his actions, Macbeth has disrupted his peaceful sleep, a consequence for breaking the order. He can no longer sleep because the guilt of murdering his king weighs on his heart. When Lady Macbeth sees her husband’s bloody appearance, she

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