Analysis Of The Bridge Of San Livy

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Why, God, Why? “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (New International Version, Isaiah 55.9). In the context of the bible, your understanding of “why” things in life will not be comprehensible to a secular man, yet in Thornton Wilder’s, The Bridge of San Luis Rey, Brother Juniper tries to justify the ways of God. Wilder, by using different perspectives and underlining tones, almost like a mosaic, connects fate and divine will in a short novella. The Bridge in San Luis Rey in Spain snaps killing five people. Brother Juniper while seeing the bridge snap and the death of those people, wonders, “If there was any plan in the universe at all, if there were any pattern in a human life, surely it could be discovered mysteriously latent in those lives so suddenly cut off” (Wilder 19). Brother Juniper decides to heavily study these five people, creating a book of all the events that led up to the bridge. For six years he asked thousands of questions at all doors in Lima, establishing the fact that each of the five lost lives was a perfect whole. “Either we live by accident and die by accident, or we live by plan and…show more content…
“…love is inadequate to describe the tacit almost ashamed oneness of these brothers” (Wilder 95). Two identical twins that were so intertwined that they seemed as one, yet it all changes when Manuel falls in love with Camilia Perichole. Perichole has Manuel write letters to her lover the Viceroy, but Esteban doesn’t know anything about the relationship. Manuel cuts his knee and becomes infected and he dies. When the abbess comes for the body and asks his name, Esteban says he’s Manuel, creating a new life for Esteban, with not knowing all of Manuel’s whereabouts. Now Esteban lives with a life full of gossip and running. Finally deciding to leave his home town and to find a new life, he is on the bridge when it

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