Analysis Of Social And Reproduction Theories: The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx

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Social and Reproduction Theories In contemporary America, there is a dominant notion that we live in a classless society. However, Karl Marx’s and Max Weber’s social and reproduction theories of class and power dictate otherwise. In fact, they serve as foundations for the theory of social reproduction. Under capitalism, Karl Marx would argue that we are undoubtedly divided at the hands of the ruling class. In the political pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto, Marx argues that society is divided between the property owners and the propertyless (bourgeoisie and proletariat.) This early theory of social social class is still relevant today because there is increasing evidence of stark social, wealth, and political inequality in society. Not only…show more content…
In this article, Gane argues that Weber’s work is “a possible resource for rejuvenating social theory that goes beyond study of class or societal structures” (211). He does this by examining Weber's basic arguments of the social, which address class, party, status, and social relationships. However, in light of contemporary globalization processes, we must use Weber's theory to invent new approaches, methods, and concepts. Weber examined the connection between class and status in Economy and Society. He argued that owning property determined a person’s social class. However, Weber saw social class as including power and prestige, not just property and wealth. Prestige can come in intellectual and athletic ability as well. Because people could pay for this prestige, social class is a result of…show more content…
Bourdieu explained that these forms of capital were important tools for obtaining economic, social, and political success. Economic capital refers to monetary items such as income. Cultural capital refers to outlooks, skills, and behavior passed down from own generation to the next. Social capital refers to the networks that can aid in pursuing valued objectives. When it comes to the topic of social reproduction and education, all these forms of capital play important roles social classification. Pierre explains that one’s cultural capital can be derived from one’s habitus, the composition of an individual’s lifestyle. This type of capital “explains the unequal scholastic achievement of children originating from different social classes by relating academic success” (Bourdieu 47). Because cultural capital comes in the form of skill and education, the advantages derived from this give people with higher cultural capital higher status in

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