Villa Hakatha Marketing Strategy

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In order to develop a successful marketing strategy that works is intrinsic for the viable success of the Villa Hakatha Business. With this in mind I propose that you take a lead on formulating and implementing the following: In developing a marketing strategy that works we need to do the following: 1. Carry out a 5Cs analysis 2. Discuss the Aspiration Decision (What do we hope to achieve in the market) 3. Discuss the Action Plan (Marketing Mix of the 4 Ps; Product, Promotion, Placement and Price) 4. Discuss different kinds of actions required for customer acquisition vs retention decisions The 6 Parts of the Marketing Process 1. Marketing strategy formation. Set the overall, long-term goals and basic approach to the marketplace.…show more content…
the product offered, 2. communication to the customer about the product (promotion), 3. and mechanisms to distribute the product to the customer (place). The final element of the mix is the price charged for the product, which generates revenue for the firm. The value created for the customer through the first three Ps is the upper bound on the price the company can charge and still attract a customer. Obviously, organizations aspire to create value, such that the upper bound on price is greater than the unit cost of producing the value. As shown on the left side of diagram above, an organization needs to analyze the market in order to make good aspiration and action plan decisions. Usually this requires an analysis of the five Cs (customer, company, collaborators, competition, and context). To indicate its primacy for marketing decision making, The diagram places the first C—customer—in the middle of the circle under analysis. Here we assess who is involved in a purchase decision and how customers approach that…show more content…
Six major roles generally played across a broad set of buying situations: • Initiator(s). Initiators recognize the value of solving a particular issue so they stimulate the search for a product. • Gatekeeper(s). Gatekeepers act as problem or product experts and control information and access to other members of the DMU. • Decider(s). Deciders make the purchasing choice. • Influencer(s). Although they do not make the final decision, influencers have input in it. • Purchaser(s). Purchasers consummate the transaction. • User(s). Users consume the product. Often one individual plays all six roles. After determining the DMU, a marketer must next understand the purchaser’s decision-making process, which includes finding responses to questions such as the following: Will there be a search for information, and how will it be conducted? How do the DMU members interact? What criteria will be used in making the decision? What is the relative importance of each? Can one criterion be traded off against another, or is there some minimal level that must be reached on

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