Analysis Of Alison Lurie's Article 'What Fairy Tales Tell Us'

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In Alison Lurie’s article, “What Fairy Tales Tell Us’, she talks about the different meanings of most fairytales. She begins to tell us readers why fairytales still exist. Comparing older fairytales to the modern kinds was one thing she explained very nice. To 19th century British and American fairytales to 20th century, she gives multiple details supporting what she thought. Filled with examples, Alison Lurie gives opinions on why fairytales are sometimes not meant for children. Most fairy tales can have the same plot or be the same story but understood in so many ways. If a 19th century person were to read a fairy tale, they would get a different understanding from if a 20th century person were to read it. Same thing as if a 7 year old reads it and a 27 year old reads it. Lurie uses “The Light Princess” as an example because everyone can think different about it. In the 19th century, most writers began to rewrite fairytales. They wanted to make the morals better and make them have a twist from…show more content…
I agree with feminists because women can do everything men do or probably better. They treated women Lurie stated that nature will take its course. She uses Jane Yolen’s “The River Maid” as a perfect example because the lady was treated wrong. She was raped and kidnapped by a farmer. But later in the story the farmer drowns from the river rising and his whole farm is flooded. I can relate to this because I knew someone who was sexually assaulted. She was scared to tell for a long time because she was little. We don’t know how the police found out but the rapist is now and still is in jail. I liked the way Lurie added that in her article. I liked the whole thing because I thought her reasoning’s were accurate based off the examples she provided. She used a variety of them after every opinion. She also wrote it in order which was easier to compare and contrasts the time

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