An American Soldier In World War 1 Summary

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An American Soldier in World War I The book titled ‘An American Soldier in World War I,’ written by George Browne gives an account of the experience of an American soldier in the First World War on the European soil. While author Browne was in the war, he writes several letters to his fiancée, Martha describing his life as a soldier during the world war. The book is a collection of the letters written by Browne, which reveals various aspects of an American soldier, including his daily life at the European theater, obstacles faced by him during training and transportation to the country of France and the dangers he encountered during the combat. It also gives an explanation of the strain in the relationship between Browne and Marty. Although…show more content…
In the next few letters of the book, Browne mentions about how he faced tremendous strain not only physically, but also psychologically. He had to face nine days of hand-to-hand fighting, which was although intermittent, involved shell fire consisting of gas. Browne also consumed only one meal a day for most of the days and on some days, he had nothing to eat. The letter he wrote explains the way he requested the division for an extended rest in a small village. Although Marty continued to write, on certain occasions, Browne could not write frequently due to shortage of paper or writing material. However, in his letters, Browne assured Martha that his love for her was still the same and that the war would end soon. In the winter months, Browne and his division had to suffer the rainy and cold weather with inadequate blankets and overcoats. He also explains how he saw the climax of the war on 11th November from a soldiers’ base after recovering from wounds. After returning to the United States by the end of the World War I, Browne and Martha reunited and married in Connecticut and Browne worked for the rest of his life as a civil engineer until his death in the year

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