Allusions In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Throughout the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding displays the theme of morality and the dependency of the defects of humankind’s ethical nature on society through his vast use of stylistic devices. The perplexing set of ideas Golding portrays evince the faults of society back to the faults of human nature. By creating symbolism, presenting allegorical references, and offering allusions, William Golding displays the flaws of human nature and its relationship to the flaws of society. Golding provides various symbols to help shape the theme of morality and show how the weaknesses of human nature trace back to those of society. Early into the story the conch is introduced to the boys as a symbol of civilization, leadership, and democracy.…show more content…
Allusions to Adam and Eve along with the Garden of Eden question whether a person is born evil or change with experience. Throughout the novel, Simon exuberates christ-like similarities and is a constant reminder of the biblical allusions Golding creates. Simon willingly puts up with the littluns, unlike Jack or some of the other hunters. Much like Eve reached for the fruit the snake tempted her to eat, “...Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach...”, referring to the littluns (Golding 70). By comparing the two scenarios, Golding introduces the idea of Simon’s innocence versus evil and questions which trait will overpower the other. Going along with the Adam and Eve allusions, Golding consistently represents the beast as a symbol of fear and evil. In the Garden of Eden, the serpent deflowers Eve of her innocence and ruins her pure idea of life. In the same way, the boys spoil the island, a perfect place before man’s arrival. Taking on a Catholic view, Adam and Eve’s faults directly impacted the society existing today. Golding frequently uses biblical allusions to display the relationship between human nature’s impurities and those of

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