Alfred Siteglitz Summary

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In New Jersey, the year of 1864, a future important figure in modern photographic world, Alfred Stieglitz, was born. Photographic critics have mentioned that his images showed his “mastery of tone and texture and reveled in exploring atmospherics” (The Art Story) In this article, the writer means that Alfred Siteglitz always used a distinct combination for different tones, textures, and atmospheres that were unique; no other photograph, not by any other artist more were they able to be replicated, were the same way. Since the beginning of his photographic era, he always strived to gain recognition for the distinct effects that were similar to those of other fine arts, such as painting. “Stieglitz's early work often balances depictions of soft,…show more content…
To me, the details of the people’s faces, what they are wearing, and the circular objects shown throughout; stand out the most. Most of the people’s faces show signs of scare and worry. They either do not seem too excited to be on the boat or they are just waiting for the boat to leave to go to another place, maybe for a better life. There seems to be some very younger people aboard as well as some elders that have their heads covered with rags that do not seem to be new or in good condition. The head coverings can also be a part of the people’s customs since almost all the ladies in the images are covered with rags. This covering could also have a showing of the weather, if it is too cold, they use the rags to cover up to stay warm. The circular objects that are shown through various places on the image also seem to be significant. Once one thinks about it, all the people’s heads have a circular shape. This could be also be a symbol of their brains not having a single endpoint, but that all the people have thoughts that are continuous and never endings, like a circle. A person always has something on their mind and their thoughts are always circulating, connecting different ideas and getting more concrete ideas after

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