Analysis Of Average Man With The Stoticism Of A Cow Standing In The Rain

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"The average man is a comformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoticism of a cow standing in the rain." -Colin Wilson. Colin Wilson born in 1922 is an English writer of non-fiction exploring human potential, psychology, existentialism, criminality, literary criticism, and the occult. According to, Wilson often expressed the same ideas over and over again. This quote was taken from many sayings he has, and in this essay I will explain to you the message behind this quote, weather or not I agree or disagree, and how I relate to it. When this quote says "Average Man" He is talking about the middle class men and women. To be a Conformist is to be a person who conforms, is unquestionely to the normal practices or standards of a society, or groups. The reason why he says that middle class accepts miseries and disasters with the stoticism of a cow standing in the rain is beacsue they really do. It's almost as he says middle class is helpless, yet isn't. Like the cow, it has to stand in the rain, and its not going to do anything about it, kinda like the middle class. We let the rain do what it wants(upper class), but if that cow were to search for something to stand under instead of repressing its misery of the cold, it may find a tree to keep warm under. I feel like Wilson is implying that middle class should do something about getting rained on.…show more content…
Why you ask? Well, once you pick this quote apart verse by verse, you find that what he is saying is true. The middle class cant help the rain from coming down, but they could help finding some form of shelter to take cover from the rain. I also agree with his philosohpy because I like that he recondizes the average man, and is willing to identify their

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