Advantages Of Takaful

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By definition, An emerging market is a country that has some characteristics of a developed market, but does not meet standards to be a developed market. Nowadays, The world’s emerging economies look very attractive to insurers and reinsurers today. Although penetration of insurance products and services has not yet reached the desired level but following government support and ample opportunities particularly in micro insurance, with introduction of insurance products and services in rural areas the penetration is likely to see a rapid increase in the coming years. Pakistan indeed represents a very vast market being 60 % under 30 years of age and with a population of 190 million ,having rising per capita income, increasing use of internet and mobile phones; insurers offer a lucrative and challenging frontier for those players willing to transform their operational models to market their products. Under the Insurance Ordinance 2000,Insurance has been regulated in Pakistan where along with Transport, storage, communication and finance occupy 24% of the service sector which itself contributes 54% of the National GDP. The government has…show more content…
The takaful system and product may be appealing to them. Pakistan is among the top 10 most populous nations in the world. This makes it a very fertile market for Takaful, one with some interesting challenges. There are significant challenges for Takaful in Pakistan. The potential for takaful is enormous given that insurance penetration in most Islamic countries does not exceed 1% of gross domestic product. Many of the challenges facing takaful operators are strategic. This market is trying to establish itself. While skills and resources can be borrowed from conventional insurance markets, there is significant investment required creating the

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