Adultery Bonnie Steinbock Analysis

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Adultery and the pursuit of happiness. The reasons and conditions argued by Bonnie Steinbock for Adultery are supported by Utilitarianism theory. Adultery is right under some circumstances, as Steinbock says; When your marriage have lack of love, or if your spouse is in vegetable status, this are some of the circumstances that you can commit adultery. (Steinbock, Adultery) Utilitarianism say that if the action is an optimific action, the one that have the best ratio of benefits over drawbacks we can do that. This theory searches the most happiness for the people. If committing adultery maximizes your happiness, you can do it. According to utilitarianism theory when you are in the middle of a bad relationship you can seek love in other person…show more content…
These are the 2 circumstances she exposed in her article: when you are marriage and both lack of love; and when your spouse is very sick, ex. If your spouse is paralyzed by some disease. Adultery is a form of promise braking. Steinbock says that adultery it’s not only to have sex with someone else, it could be when someone involves emotionally with another person, or even with your job. One of the examples in this article is, two people are married but the wife gets paralyzed by polio and her husband stay on her side taking care of her, He forgoes to sex a lot of time, but at some point he commit adultery but he never left her wife. At that point he need some partner so they can’t feel alone, even to talk, if he do it to seek happiness, he do the optimific action. (Steinbock,…show more content…
In open marriages you can have a relationship without any type of link, or fidelity. A lot of people seek this type of ideal relationship, but have you ever imagine what would happen if you decide to enter into a relationship like this? You have a spouse but in reality both can do your lives completely separated from each other. Some people like this type of relationships because they could have 2 people that they love at the same time without the culpability of being insincere, and of commit adultery. Some people make their evaluation about the optimific action with open marriages; if the ratio is a good ratio they can do it. Steinbock says that the attractiveness of extramarital affairs, without dishonesty, disloyalty or guilt, should not be downplayed. (Steinbock, 385) This is an agreement of two persons, and both sides have to be happy and satisfied with the decision that they made. This action can’t be made if one of the sides doesn’t agree with this arrangement. This evaluation is for open marriages, happiness is the intrinsic value thing. Betrayal is the intrinsically bad thing. Open marriage is an action available in the moment, the value of the actions are, if you commit adultery to your spouse 1 people would be happy and the other one will be sad (1:1), but in open marriages 4 people would be happy and no one will be sad (4:1) this action have the best ratio, the optimific action are open

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