Adrian Monk's Psychodynamic Model

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Kearney states that the Psychodynamic model is the abnormal behavior that assumes all mental states, emotions, and behaviors arise from unconscious motives and intrapsycic conflict. Adrian Monk seems to be stuck in what is considered a Freudian theory of psychosexual development. According to Freud Psychodynamic Theory is “a human operative is established upon the interaction of motivations and forces within the person, predominantly with the unconscious, and concerning the different effects of the behavior”. So Monk motivating strength has to be trying to solve the death of his wife, Trudy. Monk is very obsessive compulsive, to the fact that everything has to be in order, as well as location of items, or the assemblage of foods by color…show more content…
He obsesses about touching as many side walk blocks that exists between a certain point. If we use the Humanistic model, Kearney states this “Humanistic is a model of abnormal behavior that emphasizes personal growth, free will, and responsibility”. Monk goes to a therapist to help gain control of his fears and learn how to manage his OCD. Medication that might be prescribed is anti-anxiety medications such as Xanax that slow down the central nervous system helps a patient relax and calm the obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions that interfere with daily life. According to Kearney Cognitive –behavioral therapy is a type of treatment that focuses on the connection between thinking arrangements, emotions, and behavior and uses cognitive and behavioral techniques to change dysfunctional thinking pattern. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for OCD includes two mechanisms: Exposure and response prevention involves repetitive exposure to the source of their obsession. Then the patient asked to abstain from the compulsive behavior and the patient typically performs to decrease their anxiety. For instance, if someone is a compulsive hand washer, they might be asked to touch the door handle in a public restroom and then be prohibited from

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