Flying Machine Feasibility Analysis

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“FLY SPY ROBOT USING MEMS” ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI Presented by, R.VENKATARAMANAA T.S.MANIKANDA MAHARAJ E_mail Mobile:9940398259 Abstract 1. This paper presents a feasibility analysis of developing an ultra-small bio-mimetic flying machine using the most advanced engineering technologies that exist today. 2. The core part of this project includes leading edge technologies such as MEMS, IC’s and wireless technologies. 3. Here aerodynamic theory and forces explains how things should fly according to their characteristic length scale. 4. MEMS actuators can be made in the same scale of insect wings and “flap” at >100Hzat very low power input. 5.This flapping frequency is within…show more content…
We will also present the elementary design and experimental results of a micro- fabricated thermal actuator that flaps at 60Hz and could potentially used as a bio-mimetic wing for the MFC. FEASIBILITY STUDY ON SILICON BASED MICRO FLYING CHIP There are different ways for an animal to fly in mid-air, China huge birds, they use direct wing muscles to move their wings and change the flapping frequencies and fight modes (flapping or gliding).The creations of vortices by the wings allow the flying motion of birds. For small insects, their flying mechanism is different from that of large birds. They use flapping and feathering motion for flying. Since the chord Reynolds number goes down below 103 if the wing size scales down, this leads to the domination of drag force at this range compared with the viscous force in large scale. As a result, insects cannot create any vortices for flying purpose. They can only use drag force together with their flapping mechanism for flying. Before building an actual micro fly, we looked to nature for inspiration to see what obvious motions must be…show more content…
That is, based on our fabrication experience, a wing area of ranging from 1mm2 to 3mm2 that flaps ~100Hz is producible using polymer MEMS technology. The wing area of our design will range from 1mm2 to 3mm2. From Fig. 1, the wing areas of the order “homoptera” fall into this range. There are common types of insects for this order: cicadas, hoppers and aphids. Aphids are small, soft- bodied, pearl-shaped insects which usually have smaller wings. A photograph of an aphid is shown in Fig. 2. From Fig. 1 and Fig.2, it can be found that the body weights and the corresponding wing-beat frequencies of the homoptera are around 0.1mg to 1mg and 60Hz to 177Hz, respectively. These should also be the basic requirements for the MFC to fly in air. Based on these data, we can approximately estimate how large the silicon chip can be. Assuming a 500μm thick square silicon wafer is used with density of 2330kg/ m3, then the length of each edge of the chip can be ranged from 0.29mm to 0.9mm (weighing ~1mg). If a thinner silicon or plastic substrate is used, the chip size can be larger. For instances,

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