A Thematic Analysis Of The Poem 'You Who Wronged'

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The title of the poem of this week being “You Who Wronged”, there is a large political feel surrounding the theme of the poem as a whole. The theme being that if you mess up it will follow you forever; the horrid actions of a dictator will not be forgotten and much less forgiven. Thus, there is no true way of escaping one’s crimes. Czeslaw Milosz used literary devices like diction, alliteration, repetition, and symbolism to project the warning like theme of this piece. Diction is used to highlight certain key points, for example, the first line “You who wronged a simple man,” is a way of stating that the man,woman, child who the dictator wronged was simple, which could mean humble, or innocent. the use of “bowed down before you,” and “bowed beneath your weight” both are quite similar in the sense that people once…show more content…
The “blurred line” refers to the effects of being surrounded by good and evil, thus that in turn waters down the magnitude of the cause of the crime or the crime itself to people of opposite views. From a sociological perspective if one commits a crime but is surrounded by people with criminal backgrounds, then it can be argued that the crime was a result of the influence of the person’s surroundings. A dictator often rises to power due to the support that he/she shows for a certain cause that is backed up by a large scale of people. However, as times goes on their real intentions are revealed. In addition, Milosz writes “winter dawn” before introducing the rope and the bowed branch. The seasons often are placed in poetry with a broad view of symbolism behind it. In this piece specifically winter could be the foreshadowing of death. However, following with the theme, winter is often referred to as being unforgiving. Therefore, the connotation being that the crimes committed by this person, the dictator, are viewed harshly and are almost never

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