Ww1 Women Essay

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When the men went away to the war the women were forced to take on jobs that they were not used to doing. During the war production, women were forced to work long hours in difficult sometimes dangerous conditions, to produce food, war materials and general supplies. During WW1 (1914-1919), large numbers of women were needed for jobs that were once only available to men. Before the war, it was “commonly believed that a woman’s place was in the home or doing ‘feminine jobs’ such as cleaning the home and taking care of the kids”(What sort of jobs did women have during World War 1?). The women were not permitted to work in factories as it was seen as unladylike to be open to that kind of environment. Their entrance to their work force was greeted with hostility for the usual sexist reasons. In general, “women did very well and taking both the men and their employers by surprise with their ability to undertake heavy work and with their efficiency” (FirstWorldWar.com). Women who worked in munitions factories produced 80% of the weapons ands shells used by the British Army. They risked their lives daily, since…show more content…
Women joined the war in order to prove their patriotism and determined to prove their usefulness. More than “3,000 nurses served in the Canadian Army Medical Corps (CAMC), including 2,054” (Canada in the First World War Nurses). The first nurses went to help the troops overseas in England, France, and Belgium. During the war they did not have many resources or equipment and often had to work on the dirt floor all while trying to keep up with the constant demands. The woman suffered as well, “also suffering from psychological traumas from the experiences of the war and the the wounds of the men” (What sort of Jobs did women have in World War 1?). Of the estimated 2,000 nurses that served overseas, 53 were killed due to enemy fire, and

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