A Rhetorical Analysis Of John Tyler's Fight Club

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much can you know about yourself without ever being in a fight?” – a rhetorical question, implying that people do not know anything about themselves until they test themselves by endangering their lives. As mentioned above, Tyler suggests that possessions and positions are just a way for people to disguise themselves as what they wish they could be. This is very apparent in Jack’s case, as Tyler is the epitome of how he wants to look and how he wants to act. But in a fight, possessions and positions become meaningless. It’s almost as if time is reversed to the stone age, before man was so sophisticated and advanced. Pitting one person’s true nature against another’s reveals exactly who those people are behind their day jobs and the brands they…show more content…
It wasn’t about words. The hysterical shouting was in tongues, like at a Pentecostal Church. When the fight was over, nothing was solved. But nothing mattered. Afterwards, we all felt saved.” (Fincher) After weeks of engaging in the fight club lifestyle, Jack realizes that everything that he originally cared so much about does not actually matter. All possessions and positions were forgotten in a fight, and time was figuratively reverted back to a time when life was simple, without consumerism chaining people to needless desires. With these chains broken, there was a lingering feeling of being saved—liberated—that attracted so many people to the fight clubs. People would crowd around fighters and after the fights, they’d ask, “Can I be next?” The intensity, euphoria, and authenticity that fighters emitted after seemingly struggling for their lives was tempting for anyone who needed stimulation in their life. People who once worked monotonous white-collar jobs found complete invigoration and satisfaction in the underground blood brawls. And once anyone came to a fight club, they always came back, further ingratiated and captivated by the freedoms of that new way of life. As a result, fight clubs left people enlightened. At one point, Jack said, “[they] all started seeing things differently. […] Everything [was] quieter” (Fincher). In other words, fight clubs caused people to stop sensationalizing consumer goods. Jack implies that…show more content…
In Jennifer Barker’s article that I discussed earlier, Barker cites Benito Mussolini, stating that “fascism ‘aims at refashioning not only the forms of life but their content’ and realizing this requires ‘entering into the soul and ruling with undisputed sway’ (qtd. in Mussolini 18)” (181). In the fight club system, people’s lives change in two ways. Initially, their forms change: they do not lose their possessions nor are they ever shown quitting their jobs, but they think differently and act differently. They even begin to walk around with bruises and cuts on their faces from the fights. Hence, their forms are refashioned. Then, the content of their lives change. This is evident when the space monkeys come to live with Jack and Tyler as a part of “Project Mayhem,” a series of terrorists acts to eliminate consumerist society. The space monkeys don’t just look and act different with their skinned heads and bruised bodies; the structure and content of their lives have changed. Instead of working desk jobs, they spend their time plotting and executing terrorist attacks. Instead of valuing name-brands and wealth, they value the destruction of those very ideas. This restructuring of form and content aligns directly to Mussolini’s vision of fascism. But further increasing the fascist

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