A Rhetorical Analysis Of Chinese Parenting

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In the article, “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior,” the author, Amy Chua, describes how Chinese parenting differs from Western parenting. The Chinese style of parenting is extremely strict, structured, and is based on what the parent feels is best for the child. Chinese parents demand children to excel in, “…academic intelligence, musical mastery and professional success,” (Chua). Western parents are displayed as more permissible and less strict, when compared to Chinese mothers due to the level of provocative culture that Chinese parents enforce. Even though the culture might be perceived as provocative, the Chinese mothers feel that the level of excellence to which their children excel is a direct reflection of their parenting. Because…show more content…
This helped qualify her argument by using factual and statistical evidence and appealing to the three rhetorical appeals. The author appealed to the readers’ emotion by using personal experiences throughout the text. The author established credibility through facts and statistics about Westerners and Chinese parents and used evidence throughout the article, which also appealed to the reader’s sense of logic. The author excluded the children’s reaction to the parents when they were not happy and the perspective of some children who did not think that their parents were strict enough with them. This is important, because the author was biased throughout the article by favoring the Chinese parents roles of strict parenting rather than explaining the views of someone who might disagree and make the author’s argument less valid. I differ from the intended audience because I am neither a mother nor am I Chinese. However, I am qualified to make this response because this summer I was a nanny for an Indian mother. She was very strict in her parenting such as: only allowing the kids to watch two television shows per day, requiring the children to practice math facts everyday; mandating they practice their violin and cello for an hour a day. The kids are around five and seven years old, and they both already excel beyond their peers. Since this article is speaking directly about Chinese parents, it does not refer too much about other culture’s way of

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