A Narrative Of A Competitive Swimmer-Personal Narrative Swimmer

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Once upon a time there was a competitive swimmer, and that swimmer was me. I was the fastest one out there , “Your so fast you could be half a dolphin!” exclaimed my brother. “That might be but I can’t give up, not for one second I have to keep practicing for for the state championship” I said ,”I can’t stop training until the race” “Ok, today's the day” I said, “the, day for me to beat those snooty rich kids in the state finals” My race was at the ent of the day so I waited minute after minute, hour after hour and every second I waited, I grew more and more nervous. My family kept trying to tell me ,”got nothing to worry about” or ,”You've got this” Then it was finally my turn to swim. I could hear my family over all the crowd cheering

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