12 Angry Men Prejudice Essay

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Take a look at the people surrounding you, the majority of which are ordinary people. But just looking at them we are unable to look past their differences, whether its the colour of their skin or the way they dress, judgement is passed. Increasing to the point where we avoid them in the street. Who would you make eye contact with? Would you acknowledge them? Or would you bury your head into your chest to avoid them for good? This is what ignites prejudice within our society. Prejudice, whether we recognise that we treat others differently or not, is an issue causing conflict within our society and our personal lives. Bit by bit, our prejudice accelerates to the point where we can’t even identify people for who they really are but for the set of stereotypical characteristics society has collectively applied. Will we ever be able to look past these things for good? Ebony…show more content…
Just walking past a stranger, a stream of thoughts flow through your mind. Whether they are good or bad these are assumptions. In 12 Angry Men juror 3, before any evidence has been discussed makes the assumption of the boy being a dangerous killer. "Somebody's in left field....The man's a dangerous killer." Prejudice impacts everyone. To the point where we walk outside knowing people will be picking at all imperfections, whether in their head or out loud. Lowering our self- esteem without even having to speak. What has this world come to? When will we finally be able to look past each other’s imperfections and see the real person inside? Author Maya Angelou quotes “Prejudice is a burden that confuses the fast, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible. ”This explicate quote emphasises the way prejudice can affect everyone. Things like this can link the chain of negativity in the world of media. “Prejudice is a burden that confuses the fast, threatens the future and renders the present

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